Fungal Iinfection

by Laurie Lynch, ND. 

There is a common, unrecognized epidemic sweeping the continent that almost everyone has to some degree.  Physicians refer to this disease by many names.  It is most commonly called “It’s All In Your Head”; some call it “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, other names include “chronic mononucleosis”, “chronic Epstein-Barr virus”, “Systemic Yeast Infection”, “Candidiasis”, and “Fungal Infection”. 

What exactly is this disease?
This epidemic is actually the overproliferation of what was commonly thought to be harmless yeast that are normally found in the intestinal tract, or other types of fungus. The chemical acetaldehyde, similar to the infamous formaldehyde, is a deadly cell poison that is a by-product of yeast fermentation of sugar and alcohol metabolism. Dr. Crook explained that “…it can switch from a single cell yeast form into a branching fungal form" which can burrow beneath the surfaces of mucous membranes.”

Fungal or yeast infections, and the toxins they produce, can damage the immune system and often the glands.  This can be a major contributing factor in other diseases such as allergies, multiple chemical sensitivities, arthritis, vaginal, bladder, prostate and other infections, MS, cancer, AIDS, psoriasis, schizophrenia, hypoglycemia, myasthenia gravis, Crohn’s disease, and lupus.  Dr. Crook further explained that “Yeast toxins also play an important role in causing loss of sexual interest, impotence, premenstrual tension, menstrual irregularities, infertility, pelvic pain, and other disturbances of hormone function.”

What causes this disease?

  •   Environmental molds, such as leaf molds.  Molds grow on dust and the spores are inhaled in the air. Molds also develop from water leaks in the roof, around windows, plumbing, water spilled on carpet, damp basements, wet towels, even molds that grow in soap scum in the bathroom.  Mold spores are parasites, and when inhaled, grow and multiply in the body. Mold spores can get in the eyes and cause severe infection that could lead to blindness. Micotoxins, the poisonous gasses emitted by molds, can cause severe toxic reactions causing allergies, arthritis, cancer, and even affecting the brain and nervous system.

  •   Medicinal drugs such as anesthesia, ulcer and arthritis drugs, birth control pills, steroids and other hormonal drugs (or any hormone imbalance) can also trigger the spread of fungi, as well as mercury vapor that out gasses from dental fillings. According to Murray Susser, MD, antibiotics may be the greatest cause, because they destroy the helpful bacteria that normally feed on yeast and keep it under control.  According to Murray Susser, MD., antibiotics may be the greatest cause of Candidiasis.  When antibiotics are taken, the helpful bacteria that normally feed on the yeast and keep it under control are destroyed, and the yeast spread throughout the system and can cause a variety of symptoms.

  •   Chemicals such as in antibacterial soaps, cleaning products, chlorinated water, moth balls, pesticides, synthetic textiles, detergents, and hair dyes, as well as mercury vapor that out gasses from silver- amalgam dental fillings can also contribute to the problem.

  •   Alcohol and tobacco - Dr. Susser stressed that the consumption of alcohol can contribute greatly to the growth and spread of fungi.

  •   Certain foods such as sugar, syrups; barley malt; and fruit contain natural sugars that support the growth of fungi, so it helps to avoid all canned and frozen fruit juices, frozen, canned, and dried fruit, oranges, cranberries, and cantaloupes. According to Dr. Crook, Yeast “must consume other substances such as sugar and fats in order to survive.” Also avoid heated and hydrogenated oils, cooked nut butters; grain products that contain gluten and yeast; overly acidic foods such as tomatoes, coffee, vinegar (which is made with a yeast culture); processed foods with chemical additives; mushrooms (they are a fungus); peanuts, peanut butter; fried foods; dairy products, cheeses; smoked meats or any meat that is not organically grown.  Many restaurant foods and processed foods, and food that has been cooked and stored for more than 24 hours could also be a source of mold.

 How do you know if you have fungal infection?
To my knowledge, there is no accurate test for systemic fungal infections; however, an iridology examination can indicate the location of a buildup of toxins in the body, which is often caused by fungus. Usually symptoms begin to appear after a serious illness.  

What are the symptoms?
The physical symptoms are numerous and varied and can include fatigue; headache; strong cravings for sugar; soreness, congestion, post nasal drip, burning, itching of throat, ears, respiratory passages, and genital area (vaginitis or “jock itch”). Athlete’s Foot and/or fungi under the nails causing the nails to thicken and appear yellowish or black are also common.  Other common symptoms include constipation and/or diarrhea, bloating, pelvic pain; skin irritations such as pimples, hives, muscle weakness or paralysis; joint swelling, pain; PMS; cold hands and feet or chilliness, numbness, tingling, shaking; irritability especially when hungry.  Less common symptoms include pressure above and/or fluid in ears; feeling of head swelling; tendency to bruise easily; mucus in stool; rectal itching; foot, hair or body odor not relieved by washing; infertility; impaired sex drive; prostatitis,  recurrent infections; incoordination; heartburn; pain or tightness in chest.  The eyes tend to be light sensitive, teary, whitish, orangish, or yellowish; vision may be blurred or spots may appear before the eyes.  The tongue may become dry and tingling, and appear whitish or hairy (Thrush). Symptoms often flare up on damp days.

Mental symptoms include cravings for sugar and/or other addictive substances, mood swings, depression, irritability, crying spells, lethargy, insomnia, and feelings of unreality, spaciness, memory loss, verbal abuse, unjustified hurt feelings, anger, or hatred.  In severe cases verbal abuse could escalate into violence or suicidal tendencies.  Often someone with fungal infection will say cruel, nasty things to people and then be horrified at his own behavior and become afraid to talk to anyone, or he could try to justify his behavior by blaming his victim. 

Does any of this sound familiar?  If so, you might want to follow a program to eliminate the fungi.  Of course, there could be other causes for these symptoms, but if you have a number of them, and have ever taken antibiotics, you can suspect fungus.  As far as I know, the medical profession has not yet come up with a safe, effective cure for this insidious epidemic.  However there are some natural remedies that can safely eliminate the problem if the instructions are strictly followed. 

How can this disease be eliminated?

  •   The first step would be to eliminate the causes by avoiding the inorganic chemicals such as cleaning chemicals and certain medicinal drugs mentioned earlier. Fungus- promoting foods also need to be avoided. These foods include sugar and syrups, yeast containing foods, processed foods with chemical additives, heated and hydrogenated oils, mushrooms, alcohol, nicotine, fried foods, smoked meats or any meat that is not organically grown and certified not to contain antibiotic and growth hormone residues that promote the growth of fungi.  Food from fast food restaurants and any food that has been cooked and stored for more than 24 hours could also be a source of mold.

  • The second step would be a Wellness Consultation with Laurie Lynch, N.D. which will provide information on your specific causes and how to eliminate these causes with safe natural foods, herbs, nutritional supplements, and hydrotherapy. You will learn how to kill off the fungus with a fast acting, safe herb, how rebuild the immune system, and regenerate the good bacteria that your immune system normally uses to kill yeasts and other harmful fungi.. You will also receive 30 pages of healing food recipes.

 In most cases killing off fungi and bacteria is only the start of the healing process.  Then any damage done by the fungi needs to be addressed.  Damaged glands and organs need to be repaired and regenerated, the immune system needs to be strengthened, allergies and arthritis eliminated, etc.  Through a wellness consultation the damage and weaknesses caused by the fungi can be assessed and safe effective natural remedies suggested.  I’ve been successful in regaining my own health with these methods, and have shared this knowledge with countless others to help their bodies to heal naturally, the way God intended.

To schedule a wellness consultation you may contact Laurie Lynch, ND.  @:THE LIVING WELL HEALTH & EDUCATION CENTER;  3342 Legion Rd. Hope Mills, N.C.  28348   (910) 426-5159  

References include:
1, William F. Cook, MD., 1991, The Yeast Connection, Professional Books

2. Jesse A. Stoph, MD., 1990, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Harper Perennial,

3. James F. Balch, MD., 1990, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Avery Publishing Group, Inc..

4. Dr. James J. Scala, 1992, Prescription for Longevity, Dutton Books,

5. Burton Goldburg Group, 1994, Alternative Medicine, Future Medicine Publishing, Inc.,

6. William F. Crook, MD, 1991, Yeasts and How They Can Make You Sick, Professional Books,

7. Dr. Bruce Miller, 1991, Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Bruce Miller Enterprises, Inc., Dallas, TX.

8. Benjamin Lau, MD., Ph.D., 1991, Garlic Research Update, Odyssey Publishing, Inc.

9. Daniel B., Ph. D.,Mowrey, 1986, The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine, Cormorant Books,

10. Appleton, J.A., Tansey, M.R., Inhibition of growth of zoopathogenic fungi by garlic extract, Mycologia, 69, 793-824,  1977

11. Hunan Medical College, China, 1980, Garlic in cryptococcal meningitis. A preliminary report of 21 cases, Chinese Medical Journal, 93, 123-126

12. Moore GS, Atkins RD. The fungicidal and fungistatic effects of an aqueous garlic extract on medically important yeast-like fungi. Mycologia. 1977 69(2):341–348.Mar–Apr; [PubMed]

13. Nagai K. [Preventive effect of garlic extract against influenza]. Kansenshogaku Zasshi. 1973 Sep;47(9):321–325. [PubMed]

14. Tansey MR, Appleton JA. Inhibition of fungal growth by garlic extract. Mycologia. 1975 67(2):409–413.Mar–Apr; [PubMed]

15. Adetumbi M, Javor GT, Lau BH. 1986, Allium sativum garlic inhibits lipid synthesis by Candida albicans. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. Sep;30(3):499-501.
16.  Benjamin, Lau, M.D., Ph.D. Garlic for Health. IL: Lotus Light Publications, 1988                                                                             

17. Chester J. Cavallito , 1944, Antibiotics – Explained,

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      Copyright © Laurie Lynch, N.D., 2008-2011