Laurie Lynch, ND.

"Cancer is a big deal. It's estimated that nearly 1.5 million new cancer cases and nearly 600,000 cancer deaths will occur in the United States this year. Cancer has recently unseated heart disease as America's number one killer of people under the age of 85" (,) "Every 45 seconds one American life is lost to cancer...  Statistics show that in …1880, when records were first kept, one in thirty five people developed cancer in their lifetime.  That figure is currently right at 1 in every 2 – a shocking statistic! (Daniel Nixon, MD., Oncologist, Hematoligist, President, American Health Foundation; Kurt D Grange, Ph D, ND, 2000, HTN's Ellagic Acid).  " Nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSCs) comprise more than one third of all cancers in the United States and are widely described as a worldwide epidemic. The term "nonmelanoma skin cancer" includes 2 major types: basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Other less common NMSCs include Kaposi's sarcoma, cutaneous lymphoma, skin adnexal tumors, certain sarcomas, and Merkel cell carcinoma. ... NMSC affects more than 1 million people in the United States each year, about the same number as all the other cancers combined. Epidemiologic evidence suggests that these tumors are becoming ever more frequent" (Mark Naylor, MD, 2004)..

But don't despair. Read on and find out how you can eliminate your cancer by discovering and eliminating the underlying causes and by nourishing your body back to health with the right diet and nutritional supplements, the way I eliminated my various cancers.  

What is cancer?
Cancer is a immune deficiency disease. It manifests as "a malignant tumor of potentially unlimited growth that expands locally by invasion and systemically by metastasis" (Meriam Webster, Medical Dictionary) "Cancer is a chronic, metabolic disease... that is linked with our utilization of food" (Ernst Krebs, Jr., Presented before CCS Second annual Cancer Convention, Los Angeles, California)  According to Josef Issels, MD.,  “’Cancer is not just a local disease confined to the particular place of the body where the tumor manifests itself, but it is a general disease of the whole body’.  While it may clear up in one organ, it may flare up in another. ...    Dr Issels is convinced that a “tumor was merely a late-stage symptom… the result of prior damage to organs and organ systems, especially those involved in maintaining the body’s resistance to disease.  The disease  would never gain a foothold unless the body’s defenses were depleted" ( Null, p.112, 127, .131).

"There are four main categories of cancer. Carcinomas affect the skin, mucus membranes, glands and other organs; leukemias are blood cancers; sarcomas affect
muscles, connective tissues and bones; and lymphomas affect the lymphatic system.  There are more than one hundred different varieties of cancer.  They all have
different causes and vary in… how fast they spread" 
( Balch, p. 119).

 What causes cancer?
"Before treating disease, first look to the cause" (Baha'u'llah, 1817-1892).  "Many factors are known to contribute to cancer, among them carcinogens, radiation,
and viruses.  It is now generally recognized that a great majority of human cancers, perhaps as many as 80 to 90 percent, are attributed to environmental factors;
tobacco and diet rank highest on the list”
(Benjamin Lau, M.D., Ph.D., p15-21).  

Risk factors for NMSC (skin cancers) can be classified as environmental and non-environmental, and certain skin co-morbidities may predispose individuals to
NMSC. The key environmental risk factor for NMSC is UV radiation from exposure to sunlight and artificial tanning lamps. Other environmental risk factors
 include arsenic; hydrocarbons such as tar, coal, paraffin, and certain oils; and x-rays.  (Naylor, 2004).

Cancerous tumors and lesions, whether of the skin, bone, glands or organs, are only symptoms of systemic disease.  Removal of the symptom is only temporary and
 brings unwanted harmful side effects. I believe the best solution is to eliminate the underlying causes, and then nourish the body with the right nutrients so it can heal
itself.  So first, let's look at the causes of cancer:

  •   Immune deficiency is a major cause of cancers.

  •   Poor Nutrition - The Standard American Diet (SAD) accounts for the highest percentage of cancers ( Burton p. 559, 1994).
     "Dietary deficiencies arrive primarily from eating less than whole food"
    (Ernst Krebs, Jr., CCS Second annual Cancer Convention).

  •  "An acidic body chemistry is a cause of many diseases including cancer. There are two facets of concern. First is the direct acidity levels of the foods and
    drinks we consume. Second, and probably more importantly, we should be concerned with what remains of the foods ("ash") after oxidation that ends up
    circulating in the blood. Interestingly, those foods that leave highly acidic ash are usually high in protein or high glycemic index foods. These include meat, eggs,
    seafood, nuts except for almonds, rice, beans, bread, grains, cereals, corn, chocolate, sugar, peas" (Skin Cancer Treatment Toolbox).

  •   Refined sugars "inhibit the function of our immune system” (Udo Erasmus, 1993, p.36). Sugar "may lead to cancer of the Breast, Ovaries, Prostate,
    Colon cancer, with an increased risk in women. And can be a risk factor in gall bladder cancer. Dietary sugars feed harmful intestinal yeasts, fungi,
    toxic organisms, and all forms of cellular cancer. Sugar and Vitamin C utilize the same transport system, but not at the same time! If Vitamin C is disabled from
    reaching tissue folds where it is needed to control or eradicate the virus, fungi, or cancerous organisms that feast on sugar, they will multiply exponentially
    (Bill Misner, Ph.D.)
    .  "Simple sugars, ...caused a fifty- percent drop in the ability of white blood cells to engulf bacteria..... The immune suppression was most noticeable two hours post-ingestion, but the effect was still evident five hours after ingestion.  "Sugar destroys the essential nutrient, folic acid, a deficiency of which can lead to birth defects, heart disease, Crohn's disease, cancer, mental illness,  psoriasis, fatigue, and vertigo" (Atkins Aug. '94).

  •   Maple syrup made from the sap of maple trees is up to 60 percent sucrose, and often contains chemical residues from forests sprayed with pesticides.
    Additionally, many maple syrup producers use formaldehyde pellets in the sap holes to prevent the holes from closing; and formaldehyde in holding tanks as a
    preservative. Chemical anti-foaming agents may also be added to non-organic maple syrup.
    Pesticides, herbicides, formaldehyde and foaming agents are all
    known causes of cancer.

  •   "Caffeine has been implicated in over one hundred diseases and disorders, such as diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers, hypertension, gout, cancers of the
     kidney, bladder, and pancreas
    , increased cholesterol levels, heart disease, fibrous breast cysts, birth defects, miscarriages, and underweight babies"
    (Adctns Hndbk, p115).  Coffee is very acidic.

  •   Animal products -  "The second and third leading causes of cancer are the eating of meat and cooked food respectively" (Brandt).  The metabolites of a fatty
    acid found in animal products (Arachidonic acid) "have been associated with the conversion of procarcinogens into carcinogens, inhibition of apoptosis, and i
    ncreased cell invasion and angiogenesis"
    (Naylor), in other words, cause cancer.  "A high-fat, animal protein diet substantially increases a woman's 'estrogen
    load'. And the risk of breast cancer is directly proportional to the amount of estrogen stimulation in the breast. Here's what happens to the body: First,
    estrogens are complexed with unabsorbable elements in the liver.  Then they are dumped into the intestines to be excreted.  A high--fat diet creates an
    environment in the intestines for certain bacteria to break down estrogen, allowing it to be reabsorbed.  This process not only increases the estrogenic
    compounds stimulating the breast tissue, but it also lengthens the 'menstrual life'...Women who experience... late menopause are twice as likely to get breast
    (Whitaker, Jan. '94).

  •   Excess "iron (especially heme iron from red meat) acts as a cancer-promoting agent by two separate yet synergistic mechanisms: 1) by producing "free
    radicals," and 2) by feeding cancer cells. ...Recent research has shown that people with high levels of iron have an increased risk for cancer" (
    Alex Vasquez,

  •   "Overcooked foods have proven to be potentially highly carcinogenic.  Bread crust and other toasted material that have been browned and burned will
    contain a variety of agents that may cause cancer.  In fact, many chemicals that produce cancer in animals have been isolated from cooked protein"

  •   Bad fats – "The association between ...saturated fats, ... rancid fats, processed oils, and altered fats... and cancer ... has long been documented.  Long-chain
     saturated fatty acids interfere with oxygen use in our cells, as do altered fatty acids and fat products created by processing seed and marine animal oils.  Heat,
    hydrogenation, light, and oxygen produce chemically altered fat products that are toxic to our cells (cytotoxic).  Products altered by processing include
    margarines, shortenings, partially hydrogenated oils, oils exposed to light or oxygen during storage, oils fried in food preparation, and oils that have become
    rancid from exposure to air after opening.  These fats kill people"
    (Udo Erasmus, 1993). 

  •   Indigestion causes the buildup of toxic chemicals as well as harmful bacteria.  Indigestion can be caused by poor food combining, coated intestinal tract,
    enzyme deficiencies, ingestion of indigestible substances, such as animal products, rancid oils, etc.

  •   Alcohol is a major cause of immune damage. "Alcohol, along with smoking tends to have a synergistic effect when combined, as they usually are.  In
    combination, moderate smoking and drinking result in more than a fourfold increase in certain cancers, such as esophageal and pharyngeal and oral cancers. 
     Heavy drinking and smoking (More than two packs per day and four drinks per day) produce a risk of nearly forty-fold of these cancers, when combined" ().

  •   Tobacco is "the single major cause of cancer death….  In addition to lung cancer, smoking has been linked to cancers of the head and neck, mouth,
    throat, vocal cords, bladder, kidney, stomach, cervix, and pancreas, as well as some leukemia.  Additionally, smokeless tobacco has been linked to cancers of the  lips and tongue.  Secondary smoke, or passive smoke, is also a dangerous carcinogen, according to a recent EPA report"
    ( Burton p. 559, 1994).  Tobacco smoking has recently been linked to SCC ... and a dose-response relationship with number of cigarettes and pipes smoked was observed" (Naylor, 2004).Tobacco is one of the most dangerous substances that can be taken into the body. Over 200 known poisonous substances such as nicotine, arsenic, cyanide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, phenol, and genetically engineered ingredients have been identified in tobacco smoke.

  •   Environmental pollution - Air and water pollution, and inorganic chemicals such as cleaning products, personal care products, chlorinated water, moth balls,
    pesticides, synthetic textiles, new carpet, new drapes, plywood, paneling, detergent, and damp moldy places can all combine and accumulate in the body and
    contribute to the formation of cancer.

  •   Fungal, bacterial, parasitic infections - "Fungal or yeast infections, and the toxins they produce, can damage the immune system and often the glands.  This can be a major contributing factor in other diseases such as… cancer" (Dr. Crook). Dr. Susser also stressed that the consumption of sugar and/or alcohol can contribute greatly to the growth and spread of fungi.  Excessive consumption of fruit, barley malt, grain products that contain gluten and/or yeast, nut butters, and overly acidic foods such as tomatoes, vinegar, and coffee also promote the overproliferation of fungi, as well as mercury vapor that out gasses from silver- amalgam dental fillings.

  •   Recreational and medicinal drugs
    *   Antibiotics, according to Murray Susser, MD.,  may be the greatest cause of Candidiasis.  When antibiotics are taken, the helpful bacteria that normally
    feed on the yeast and keep it under control are destroyed, and the yeast spread throughout the system and can cause a variety of symptoms, including cancer.
    Anesthesia, ulcer medications, birth control pills, cortisone and related drugs, hormone replacement drugs or any hormone imbalance can also
    trigger the spread of fungi, as well as environmental molds, and contribute to the causes of cancer.

    Birth control drugs such as Ovcon and Estrace, can cause liver cancer "Several studies have found that OCs (oral contraceptives)  increase the risk of
    liver cancer in populations usually considered low risk, such as white women in the United States and Europe who do not have liver disease. In these studies,
    women who used OCs for longer periods of time were found to be at increased risk for liver cancer"
    (Yu MC, Yuan JM).

     In a study of 426 families, investigators found that oral contraceptive use tripled breast cancer risk among women with sisters or mothers who had the
    (   Researchers from England's Oxford University and France's International Agency for Research on Cancer reviewed studies involving roughly 12,500 cervical cancer patients.  The increase in risk was 10%, 60%, and 100%, respectively, for all women who took the pill for less than five years, five to nine years, and 10 or more years compared with women who never took oral contraceptives" ( Boyles, 2003).   "Researchers from England's Oxford University and France's International Agency for Research on Cancer reviewed studies involving roughly 12,500 cervical cancer patients.  The increase in risk was 10%, 60%, and 100%, respectively, for all women who took the pill for less than five years, five to nine years, and 10 or more years compared with women who never took oral contraceptives" ( Boyles, 2003).

        *  Steroids - "The use of oral steroids (regardless of underlying disease) has recently been linked to NMSC (skin cancers) (Naylor). 
        *  Immunosuppressive drugs – "Patients on immunosuppressive therapy for autoimmune disease or arthritis are at increased risk for SCC" cancer (Naylor).
 PUVA therapy for psoriasis can also be a cause of skin cancers (Naylor).
        *  Flagyl- for anaerobic infections, peritonitis, colds, flu. "...has been shown to cause cancer and/or tumors in some animals"  (PDR p.812).
   Alupent inhaler and Ventolin- bronchial dilators, can cause tumors, and  cysts.
        *  Vaccinations, especially those that have been genetically engineered can be a major contributing factor in the development of cancer. "naked DNA vaccines
            can cause acute toxic shock reactions and severe delayed immunological reactions…. Naked DNA can also trigger autoimmune reactions, in which the           
body’s immune system attack and kill its own tissues and cells. New research shows that any fragment of double- stranded DNA or RNA introduced into             cells can induce these reactions which are responsible for many diseases….. Many ‘spontaneous mutations’ are due to insertions of transposable elements     .           and other invasive DNA. Insertion mutagenesis is now found to be associated with a range of cancers, including lung, breast, colon and liver cancers.  Finally,             unintended modification of germ-cells may result from gene therapy and vaccinations” (Ho, Ryan, Cummins, Traavik, 50).
       *  Cholesterol lowering medications such as Lipitor have now been associated with the development of liver cancer. 
Inorganic chemicals - Often  “chemicals taken in by the body cannot be excreted. Therefore, their concentration will increase over time. Such a build up of
          insecticide and herbicide residues in our bodies may be enough to produce cancerous effects. There is also evidence to suggest that such chemicals are            .         excreted in mother’s milk, which will not be good for baby”
(Dr. Narang, Internet).  For Example, Dioxin can be a cause of cancer, especially breast cancer.          .         Dioxin is highly toxic to the cells of our bodies. The combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of           .         the body.  Therefore we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers.  This is one reason some of the fast food restaurants quit .         using foam containers.  Also saran wrap placed over foods as they are nuked, with the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food.  And freezing   .         plastic water bottles releases dioxin in the plastic into the water (Dr. Edward Fujimoto).   "The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found   .           dioxin (a  toxic byproduct of chlorine) to be 300,000 times more potent as a carcinogen than DDT" (The Dangers of Chlorine and Issues with Sucralose).           The EPA is now saying that this is soon to become a major health problem. The cumulative effects of dioxin in humans have been linked to birth defects,            reproductive disorders, immune system breakdown, and cancer. These contaminants are also hormone disrupters because they mimic estrogen.            .         The EPA has observed and documented hormonal imbalance, suppressed immune systems, reproductive infertility and alterations in fetal development of       .         animals.  In viewing the big picture, these factors are perhaps the most frightening results from the widespread use of chlorine (
          *  Chemical food additives -
Brandt feels that the use of inorganic substances such as table salt, baking powder, and inorganic drugs result in cancer    .              because they are not properly assimilated, utilized or eliminated by the body.  They harm and corrode the nerves and tissues, promoting irritating      .              conditions in the  system, and are collected and deposited in week areas.  "Processed meats, bread, cereals, canned and processed foods are loaded with                 some of the nearly 1,000 different chemicals now used by the food processing industry in this country- and many of them have never been tested for their 
               possible toxicity!  Much ... research shows that the toxic effect of chemicals is multiplied by the effect of other chemical agents consumed simultaneously.       .              "Avoid all canned, frozen, or preserved fruits and vegetables"
(Dr. Airola., p. 62)
           *  Sodium nitrate is used to preserve many processed foods .Scientists have discovered that sodium nitrate can cause cancerous tumors if ingested over a
               period of years"
(Appleton, p.45).
 MSG, the popular flavor enhancer found in most processed and restaurant foods, "causes harm to the brain and spinal cord. ...The destruction of brain cells
              produces these chemicals that scientists call "free-radicals"
(Blaylock 102).  Free-radicals are a cause of cancer.

  •  Artificial sweeteners
    *  Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, and Spoonful)
    - “In his book, “Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.”, author Alex Constantine says: “The Pentagon once
    listed it (Aspartame) in an inventory of prospective biochemical warfare weapons submitted to Congress.  But instead of poisoning enemy populations, the food
    is currently marketed as a sweetening agent” (Mary Nash Stoddard, 1998).  Besides causing headaches, allergic reactions, and symptoms that mimic autoimmune diseases, aspartame causes the accumulation of formaldehyde in the brain and other tissues, which can cause damage to the nervous system and immune system, and cause cancer.  

    "Aspartame, an L aspartyl L phenylalanine methyl ester, is composed of two (genetically engineered) amino acids, aspartate and phenylalanine, linked by 
    methanol. Inside the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the stomach, it is broken down into its constituent components...  Methanol is rapidly absorbed and 
    distributed throughout the tissues of the body. Within the tissues substantial amounts of methanol's two metabolic breakdown products (formaldehyde and 
    formic acid) have been shown to accumulate in many tissues....These breakdown products, formaldehyde and formic acid, have been shown in several 
    important studies, to be extremely toxic to tissues in very small doses.  In fact, even small doses of formaldehyde are considered to be carcinogenic (cancer-
    * "A recent study by Trocho, Pardo and co-workers, have demonstrated that following aspartame ingestion, significant amounts of formaldehyde accumulate 
    in the tissues... In this study, they demonstrated that labeled methanol (as formaldehyde) accumulated in high concentrations in the liver (50%) and in lower, 
    but substantial, concentrations in the kidney, adipose tissue, brain and retina.  Within the cell, they found large amounts located within the DNA. It was 
    interesting to note that these doses were lower than that used in toxicity studies...  This study indicates that the damage may necessitate longer periods of time 
    to manifest itself, and that the eventual effects can be quite deleterious.  The doses used were within those recommended by the FDA as ADI for humans. 
    This is especially of concern in children who may consume doses of aspartame as high as 75 to 90 mg/kg.  It is also important to note that in this study, the 
    formaldehyde was accumulative as were its injury to cellular proteins and DNA.  In the real life situation, humans are exposed to repeated doses of aspartame 
    found in many foods, drinks, medicines and chewing gum.
    *  "An earlier study by Shephard and co -workers, it was found that aspartame is nitrosated within the gut and that this nitrosation of the amine group is "quite 
    cytotoxic" and represents a moderately strong mutagen in the Ames test...  Experimentally, the same widespread brain lesions produced by MSG exposure can 
    be produced by high dose aspartame exposure. (Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., 1999).
    *  "The results of the GD Searle study itself in 1977 indicated a significant increase in brain tumor induction in the aspartame fed animals. This appeared to be
     secondary to a breakdown product, DKP. Follow up studies with DKP were seriously flawed, as demonstrated by the Bressler report. It should also be noted 
    that other tumors appeared in the NutraSweet group including breast tumors, pancreatic tumors, testicular tumors, ovarian tumors and other tissues. 
    (Russell L. Blaylock, MD, 1999).  Diketopiperazine [DKP] caused brain tumors in laboratory tests. Thirteen out of 320 lab animals developed brain tumors in 
    testing. Aspartame breakdown products cross the blood brain barrier to damage the brain (Medicine in Our Food?).
    *  “Shephard, et al found that aspartame was nitrosated in the GI tract and that in this form was significantly mutagenic. Such nitrosation, according to their 
    findings, could also occur in endothelial cells and stimulated macrophages” and would raise concern of its carcinogenic potential. (Blaylock, MD., 1999)
    * A study with lab rats fed Aspartame, found that consumption of Aspartame facilitates “the absorption of innocuous amino acids together with small amounts 
    of free methanol… Methanol is primarily oxidized in several tissues to formaldehyde and formic acid, the later being considered the main metabolite responsible
     for the deleterious effects of acute methanol intoxication… Formaldehyde…binds to proteins and nucleic acids. …As a result, formaldehyde induces severe 
    functional alterations, including the development of cancer.”  These experiments suggest that regular consumption of Aspartame “may result in the progressive 
    accumulation of formaldehyde adducts….”  The damage to nucleic acids, mainly to DNA, may eventually induce cell death and/or mutations”  (Trocho, C, 
    1998,  pp. 337-349).

     * Sucralose is made by chlorinating sugar (sucrose). Three chlorine atoms substitute for three hydroxyl groups. (Chlorine is a major cause of fungal infections and
       of cancer.) Although Johnson & Johnson, the makers of Splenda, claim that sucralose is not absorbed by the body, the FDA has determined that up to 27%
       of ingested sucralose is absorbed. Other chlorinated molecules, such as the chlorinated pesticide DDT, are accumulated in body fat. Similarly, up to 30 percent
       of  absorbed sucralose is metabolized and concentrated in the liver and kidney. Research in animals has shown that sucralose can result in shrunken thymus
       glands (up to 40 percent shrinkage) (the thymus aids the immune system in fighting cancer).  Splenda also causes enlarged liver and kidneys, reduced growth     .      rate, and decreased  fetal body weight. No long term or independent studies on sucralose have been conducted on humans, and no organizations are   .            .     monitoring health effects. Many individuals have reported adverse effects of sucralose, including anxiety, panic attacks, headaches, nerve, joint and chest pain,      .     allergic type reactions, and diarrhea.  

    * Acesulfame K (Sunette Sweet-n-Safe, Sweet One), apparently produced lung tumors, breast tumors, rare types of tumors of other organs (such as the      .      thymus gland), several forms of leukemia and chronic respiratory disease in several rodent studies, even when less than maximum doses were given  (Dr. H.J.      .         Roberts).

    * Saccharin (Sweet’N Low® Sugar Twin) was discovered in 1879, and is currently produced from a purified compound found in coal tar, and is an
   O-toluene sulfonamide derivative", (known cancer-causers) ( 
Rat studies by Fitzhugh et al. (1951) showed "significant pathological changes             .   observed were in the 5% group where 7 animals had lymphosarcomas  Schmahl (1973) reported spontaneous tumours in rats which were fed diets containing       .   either 0, 100 or 250 mg/kg of sodium saccharin 

  •  Cosmetics and personal care products - As breast cancer soars to epidemic proportions, products marketed specifically to women of child-bearing age contain breast carcinogens, such as skin cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics.  In the United States, major legal loopholes allow the $20 billion a year cosmetics industry to put unlimited amounts of chemicals that have been linked to cancer and reproductive damage into personal care products.  The FDA doesn't even review what goes into cosmetics before they are marketed, cannot force companies to provide health effects data and cannot recall personal care products.  The cosmetics industry uses more than 5,000 chemicals in its products, in everything from lipstick and lotion to shampoo, shaving cream and eyebrow removers. Many of these substances used as surfactants, emulsifiers, foaming agents, preservatives, plasticizers, dyes and abrasives are also used in industrial manufacturing processes to grease gears, clean industrial equipment, stabilize pesticides and soften plastics. Do we really want to put these poisons on our skin?

"Where can known and suspected breast carcinogens and reproductive toxins be found?                    
Lead acetate - a known carcinogen and reproductive toxin - can be purchased at the local pharmacy in Grecian Formula. 
Dibutyl Phthalate - a reproductive toxin used in perfumes, hair spray and deodorant - impairs fertility and causes developmental toxicity in male offspring.                                                                                                                  
Acrylamide, a known carcinogen, mutagen and reproductive toxin, is regularly used in manufacturing hair products, hand and body lotions, and sun tan lotions.                                                                                                          
Ethylene Oxide - a known breast carcinogen - is commonly used to manufacture popular brands of shampoo.  (Cosmetics and Breast Carcinogens, Internet)
*  Foaming agents such as Sodium Laural Sulfate have been shown to be a cause of cancer.  These foaming agents are found in tooth paste, soaps, shampoos, dish
 detergents, laundry detergents, etc; They leave a toxic film on your skin, clothes, dishes, some medicinal drugs, etc.  "
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (
SLS) & Sodium Laureth
 Sulfate (SLES), foaming agents in
“detergents and surfactants... pose serious health threats. Used in car washes, garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers - and in 90% of personal-care products that foam. Animals exposed to SLS experience eye damage, depression, labored breathing, diarrhea, severe skin irritation, and even death. ...SLS may also damage the skin's immune system by causing layers to separate and inflame. When combined with other chemicals, SLS can be transformed into nitrosamines, a potent class of carcinogens. Your body may retain the SLS for up to five days, during which time it may enter and maintain residual levels in the heart, liver, the lungs, and the brain" (Chae, Linda, 2001).  "PCC detergents and foaming agents, such as polysorbates and PEG, are usually contaminated with the volatile carcinogen dioxane, although this could be easily removed by vacuum stripping during manufacture.                                                                                                                                                         .    
another widely used chemical detergent, has been known since 1975 to combine with nitrite preservatives or contaminants in PCC products to form a highly
 carcinogenic nitrosamine.  Furthermore, recent government studies showed that DEA itself is also carcinogenic following application to mouse skin" (Samuel S. Epstein,
M.D., Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition and emeritus Professor of Environmental Medicine, University of Illinois School of Public Health, Chicago, 2001, quoted by CANCER
CHICAGO, 01/15/01/PRNewswire,   
*  Hair Dyes -
"Black and dark brown permanent hair dyes contain numerous ingredients, such as diaminoanisole and FD&C Red 33, recognized as carcinogens
in experimental animals.   This evidence is supported by studies establishing that regular use of these dyes poses major risks of relatively rare cancers--non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and multiple myeloma" (Epstein).                          
Talc  - "Cosmetic grade talc is carcinogenic in experimental animals.  Also, frequent genital dusting with talc, routinely practiced by some 17% of women, increases
 risks of ovarian cancer" (Epstein).           
Cosmetic Preservatives  -  "A group of widely used preservatives, such as quaternium15 and bronopol, widely used in baby products, though not carcinogenic
themselves, break down to release formaldehyde, a potent irritant and carcinogen.
*  "Lanolin, widely used on babies’ skin and nipples of nursing mothers, is commonly contaminated with DDT and other carcinogenic pesticides" (Epstein). 
*  "Formaldehyde has been classified as a human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer".  It is used in pressed
 wood products such as particleboard, plywood, and fiberboard, glues and adhesives, permanent press fabrics, paper product coatings, and certain insulation
materials. In addition, formaldehyde is commonly used as an industrial fungicide, germicide, and disinfectant, and as a preservative in mortuaries and medical
laboratories  Other " Formaldehyde sources …include…, cigarette smoke, and fuel-burning appliances", toothpaste,  cosmetics (see, new carpet,
some medicinal drugs, vaccines (
Formaldehyde and Cancer: Questions and Answers,

All these toxins can accumulate in the body over time and combine with other toxins in the body to form new toxic compounds These toxic chemicals disrupt our delicate organic chemical balance could contribute to the development of cancer. 

  • Excess radiation from X-rays, radiation therapies, microwaves, computers monitors, excess sun exposure, (depletion of ozone layer), and tanning beds, as well as free radical damage caused by radiation exposure, can also be causative factors in the development of cancer.
    *  "Mammograms increase the risk for developing breast cancer and raise the risk of spreading or metastasizing an existing growth," says Dr. Charles B. Simone, a former clinical associate in immunology and pharmacology at the National Cancer Institute." In addition, mammography provides false tumor reports between 5 and 15 percent of the time. False positive results cause women to be re-exposed to additional X rays and create an environment of further stress, even possibly leading to unneeded surgery
    (Holistic Women's Health, Natural Health for Women: Causes, Prevention, and Natural Cures of Breast Cancer
    *  Wireless phone use may be linked to cancer. Christopher Newman, a neurologist, among others, claim to have contracted a brain tumor from wireless phone use and sued.  "It is my opinion that RF exposure has caused Dr. Newman's tumor," Jerry Phillips, staff biologist and project director of the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study in Colorado Springs, and director of contracts for the National Institutes of Health, told a packed courtroom (Allyson Vaughan, Two
    Scientists Back RF Health Risk Claims In Court, February 28, 2002).


  •   Genetically modified foods, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals - According to Dr. Ho, “The insertion of viral DNA … can create… CANCER"
    (Ho, p. 21).  “The insertion of foreign genes into a host genome is random and has long been known to have many harmful and fatal effects, including cancer;
    and this is borne out by the low success rate in creating desired transgenic organisms"
    ( Ho, p. 51).  And the letter from world scientists confirms that horizontal gene transfer could cause “harmful mutations which may lead to cancer.”

*  “The vector most widely used in plant genetic engineering is derived from a plasmid that induces tumours in plants…  In animals, vectors are constructed from
retroviruses, causing cancers and other diseases.  A vector now used in fish… causes leukemia in mice but can infect all mammalian cells.   It causes… sarcomas in
domestic fowl and… oral lesions in cattle, horses, pigs, and humans”
(Ho, p. 51, & Lin et al, Science  265, 666-9, 1994).

*   CaMV Promoter and Terminator Genes are used to switch other genes on and off and so control gene expression.  Cancer is controlled by gene switching
 mechanisms that produce cancer suppressing gene products or switch off this process. The CaMV promoter could induce such changes in mammals
(Ho MW, Ryan A,
 Cummins J.,

*   Herbicides used on genetically engineered food crops -  A “Swedish study of hairy cell leukemia… found that people who were occupationally exposed to
glyphosate herbicides had a threefold higher risk of HCL.  A similar study of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma found exposure of glyphosate herbicides was associated with
 an increased risk of about the same size” (Herbicide Factsheet, p. 6; Hardell and Eriksson).   An estimated 45,000 new cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were
diagnosed in the United States in 1994
(Boring et al., 1994).

  •   Several laboratory studies on glyphosate exposed rats found an increase in thyroid cancer, as well as kidney, liver, pancreas, and testicular tumors.
    (Herbicide Factsheet, p. 6).

  •    Cooking GE vegetables sprayed with herbicides (Roundup) releases significant levels of Acrylamide that can cause cancer (ISIS Report, Internet).

  •   The toxic weed killer bromoxynil, which even the EPA classifies as a ‘possible human carcinogen’ sprayed in heavy doses on herbicide-resistant GE
    cotton plants (and ending up in cotton seed and vegetable oils), has been linked with liver tumors (
    Lappe, pp. 41-47).

  •   “The ability of naked DNA to penetrate intact skin has been known at least since 1990. Cancer researchers found that within weeks of applying the
     cloned DNA of a human oncogene to the skin on the back of mice, tumours developed in endothelial cells lining the blood vessel and lymph nodes”
    (Ho, Cummins, Ryan, and Traavik, 5

*   Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone "(rBGH) was approved by the FDA, even though scientists warned that significantly higher levels of IGF-1
in the milk …of injected cows, could pose serious hazards for human breast, prostate, colon, and various childhood cancers.  rBGH milk has (high levels
of IGF-1, ) up to ten times the levels in natural milk and over ten times more potent.  (IGF-1)… resists pasteurization and digestion … and is well absorbed
across the intestinal wall” (
S. Epstein; R. Cummins, p. 39).  “A number of studies have shown that humans with elevated levels of IGF-1 in their bodies are much
more likely to get cancer and that IGF-1 is a powerful cancer tumor promoter” (
R. Cummins, p. 39, rBST Internal Review Team). “Scientists warned the resulting
increase of IGF-1,… is linked to 400-500% higher risks of human breast, prostrate, and colon cancer” 
(N. Batalion, Internet).  According to Dr. Samuel
Epstein of the University of Chicago, it "induces the malignant transformation of human breast epithelial cells."

  •    Rat studies confirmed the suspicion and showed internal organ damage with rBGH ingestion. In fact, the FDA's own experiments indicated a spleen
    mass increase of 46% - a sign of developing leukemia
    (R. Cummins, p. 40).

  •   GE growth hormone in milk and some animal products such as chicken has been linked to leukemia  (PDR, pp. 989-992). 

  •     “In 1998, government scientists in Canada released heretofore undisclosed Monsanto/FDA documents showing damage to laboratory rats fed
    dosages of rBGH.  Significant infiltration of rBGH into the prostate of the rats as well as thyroid cysts indicated potential cancer hazards from the drug”
    (R. Cummins, p. 31).

  •    “An American study in May 1998 found a seven-fold increased risk of breast cancer amongst pre-menopausal women with high levels of IGF-1 in
    their blood. A separate study in January 1998 found a 4-fold increased risk of prostate cancer among men”
    (J. Robbins, Internet).

  •   “The contention was that the hormone was killed by pasteurization. But in research conducted by two Monsanto scientists, Ted Elasser and Brian
    McBride, only 19% of the hormone was destroyed despite boiling milk for 30 minutes when normal pasteurization is 30 seconds”
    (N. Batalion, Internet).

  •    “Monsanto’s conclusions that rBST treatments did not increase the incidence of mastitis was contradicted by a re-analysis of its somatic cell content
     data by the independent researchers Erik Millstone and Eric Brunner.” The re-analysis showed a 20% increase as compared to the control group

    (Nottingham, p. 29)

  •     The use of rBGH also contributes to “increased antibiotic residues in the milk, resulting from higher rates of udder infections” (R. Cummins, p. 41)

  •   rBGH has been linked to the dramatic surge in lymphatic cancer: in 1995. "Before 1995, lymphatic cancers were comparatively rare. Lab animals
    treated with rbGH developed lymphatic abnormalities. …the average male rat receiving rBGH developed a spleen 39.6 percent larger than the spleen
    of the control animals after just 90 days of treatment. The spleens from rBGH-treated females increased in size by a factor of 46 percent… The spleen
     is the first line of defense in a mammal's lymphatic system". This same hormone causing changes in lab animals was introduced into
    America's food
    supply in 1994.
    As Americans continue to ingest genetically engineered milk and dairy products, lymphatic cancer rates soar" (FDA, SCIENCE, August 24,

  •   *     Death rates from lymphatic cancer have increased after the commercialization of genetically engineered bovine growth hormone in milk by an
    average 1,750%
    (U.S. Census Bureau; .Robert Cohen, LYMPHATIC CANCER PLAGUE 

     “No other industrialized country has legalized use of rBGH, but it continues to be injected into… (around 500,000) U.S. dairy cows” (R. Cummins, p. 41). 

Severe burns are also causes of skin cancers. (Naylor, 2004).      

Dangers of conventional treatments
"Chronic and metabolic diseases can never be controlled, prevented or cured by factors foreign to the biological experience of the organism."
Krebs, Jr., Nature of Cancer, Presented before CCS Second annual Cancer Convention, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California )
   "Once it (cancer) had gained a foothold,
conventional treatments, Dr. Issels decided, could usually provide only temporary relief" (
Gary Null, Healing Your Body Naturally, p.131).  “Chemotherapy, radiation and
surgery can be extremely harsh on the body, not only wreaking havoc on the immune system, but also leaving the body overly toxic and malnourished”
(Keith Block,
MD., Nathaniel Mead, “Breakthrough in Cancer Research, Natural Health, Jan,Feb1996, p. 138). 
 “Glen Werner, MD., a board certified oncologist, and one of the most highly
qualified cancer specialists in the Seattle area, …began to realize that conventional treatments weren’t helping very many people.  ‘It became apparent that we were
 not seeing people lasting very long.  We were not prolonging survival.  Surgery, X-ray therapy, and chemotherapy are all strongly immuno-suppressive, destroying
the body’s response to disease… We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see
whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison’ "
(John Robbins, Reclaiming our health, p. 304, 305).

Therapies currently used to treat localized NMSC (skin cancers) include surgical techniques (curettage and electrodesiccation, excision, Mohs surgery), cryotherapy,
 and radiation therapy. ...More recently developed therapies include interferon-alfa, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), topical and systemic retinoids, photodynamic therapy,
laser therapy, diclofenac sodium, and imiquimod" (Naylor).

"Surgery, by removing large masses of tumor…was not likely to provide a cure by itself, since the operation did not get at the underlying cause of the cancer” (
Null, Healing Your Body Naturally, p.131)
.   “Some complications arising from surgery include a permanent interruption in the circulation and in the flow of the vital magnetic
 fluid, as well as ruptures and adhesions, abnormal growths, weakened heart, shattered nerves, and ruined digestion” (
Johanna Brandt, The Grape Cure, Ehret Literature
Publishing Co., Inc., NY.)
.  "Hypopigmented scars are expected after using cryosurgery for NMSC.... Another disadvantage is that the method is not always predictable,
 and significant necrosis of healthy tissue may result and may cause prolonged ulcers in certain susceptible patients... surgical methods, these treatments carry with
them risks of morbidity, such as infection and scars, associated with any surgery. In addition, hypertrophic scars may become chronically painful or pruritic, and when
NMSC is in a visible location, such as the face, surgical procedures may be unacceptably deforming"

 “There are a few things you need to consider before submitting to prostate surgery.  With surgery there’s a 24% chance your problem will be back within three
months and an 8% chance you’ll need to be readmitted to the hospital.  There’s also a 20% chance of incurring an infection with the surgery, a 4% chance you’ll l
oose bladder control and a 5% chance of becoming impotent.  Fortunately there are other viable options other than surgery”
(Dr. David G. Williams, Breakthrough in
Natural Healing, p. 21).

"The CO2 laser works by simple vaporization of water-containing cells; however, this nonselective destruction may result in textural skin changes and
(Naylor).  And the skin cancers often return.

PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) for skin cancers  "PDT is a relatively new treatment modality that requires the application of a photosensitizing drug, such as
5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA), followed by activation with light.  Patients experienced stinging and burning during administration of the blue light, and 90% of patients
reported moderate to severe discomfort. ... Most patients experienced erythema and edema at treated sites, which improved or resolved within 1-4 weeks after
treatment. Other local responses to PDT include crusting, pruritus, and scaling.  ... The results for SCC are less promising, with the 2 largest PDT studies showing
recurrences rates of more than 50%"

Systemic and Topical Retinoids                                                                                                                    
Retinoids are often used to treat precancerous lesions when taken systemically or applied topically; they may also be useful in preventing new cancers from forming.
However, side effects of systemic retinoids include dryness of the nasal, buccal, and conjunctival mucosae, hair loss, dermatitis, arthralgia, and myalgia. In addition,
systemic retinoids are highly teratogenic (causing developmental malformations). ... A recent literature review indicates that ...topical retinoids have some effect in the
treatment of AKs.[81] However, to maintain efficacy, long-term treatment ... is necessary, and patients should be monitored regularly for triglyceride and cholesterol
levels and transaminases"

Some anesthetics can “cause increased cerebral-spinal pressure;… a skeletal-muscle hypermetabolic state leading to…malignant hyperthermia;…muscle rigidity,
tachycardia, cyanosis, …unstable blood pressure,…hepatic dysfunction; cardiac arrest; hypotension; respiratory arrest; cardiac arrhythmias; hyperpyrexia; shivering;
nausea; and emesis”
(Physician’s Desk Reference, 1994).  Anesthesia has also been shown to be a cause of fungal infections, which are a cause of cancer, and of allergies
and chemical sensitivities. 

Some antibiotics can cause “neurotoxic reactions,… optic nerve dysfunction, peripheral neuritis, arachnoiditis, and encephalopathy….irreversible vestibular damage is
particularly high in patients treated with streptomycin. …Ototoxicity: Both vestibular and auditory dysfunction can follow the administration of streptomycin…
Vestibular damage is heralded by headache, nausea, vomiting, and disequilibrium… early discontinuance of the drug may permit recovery prior to irreversible damage
 to the sensorineural cells… may cause allergic type reactions including anaphylactic symptoms and life-threatening asthma… can cause fetal harm… The following
reactions are common: vestibular ototoxicity (nausea, vomiting, and vertigo); paresthesia of face; rash; fever; urticaria (hives); angioneurotiv edema; and eosinophilia.
. Less frequent: cochlear ototoxicity (deafness); exfoliative dermatitis; anaphylaxis; azotemia; leukopenia; thrombocytopenia; pancytopenia; hemolytic anemia; muscular
 weakness; and amblyopia” (
Physician’s Desk Reference, 1994).  Antibiotics also are a cause of fungal infection which is a common cause of cancer.

“In a ... report published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, researchers conclude that the medical approach to cancer is a failure.  In 1994, death
rates from cancers were 6% higher than in 1970. “Many billions of dollars have been poured into finding improved cancer treatments, but that effort has led virtually
nowhere.  “We’ve given it our very best scientific talent, and it just hasn’t worked.  It’s time to recognize it just hasn’t worked, and get serious about prevention”

(Spectrum Magazine, Sept.- Oct., 1997,p 22)

Topical and Intralesional 5-FU (for skin cancers)-   "Side effects of 5-FU include progressive inflammation, erythema, and erosions; these effects are extensions of
the pharmacologic activity of the drug. Contact dermatitis with intense pruritis may occur"
(Nealy).  Fu-5, can cause "other unwanted effects that may not occur until
months or years after ...these delayed effects may include certain types of cancer, such as leukemia"
(PDR  P577).  “These agents (chemotherapy) kill all the cells in
patients’ bodies that are dividing at the time of use.  ....  Unfortunately, patients treated with these cytotoxic (cell-killing) drugs all tended to have reactions similar to
those experienced by victims of chemical warfare.  “As the former Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center science writer and noted cancer author Ralph Moss,
 pH., remembers, 'Some scientists recoiled at the horrendous toxicity…Patients were retching, their hair was falling out, and they were dying from drug-related
destruction of their bone marrow'. Ihe amount of chemotherapy necessary to kill every last cancer cell in a human body was almost invariable lethal to the body itself.

“John C. Bailar III, M.D., Ph.D., in the New England Journal of Medicine said,  ‘Some 35 years of intense and growing efforts to improve the treatment of cancer
has not had much overall effect on the most fundamental measure of clinical outcome-death.  Overall the effort to control cancer has failed.’  “In 1990, another ranking
 member of the cancer establishment, Dr. Ulrich Abel, biostatistician at the Institute for Epidemiology and Biometry at the University of Heidleburg, Germany, went a
step further… Abel had for years studied the effectiveness of chemotherapy, and his attitude had been basically sympathetic.  But now, in the most comprehensive s
tudy ever undertaken of cancer chemotherapy, he stated: ‘A sober and unprejudiced analysis of the literature has rarely revealed any therapeutic success… There is
no evidence for the vast majority of cancers that treatment with these drugs exerts any positive influence on survival and quality of life.’  This notoriously toxic and
expensive treatment, he said, was not only rarely a cure, but in the vast majority of cases, actually had no beneficial effect whatsoever on a patients’ outcome.

“How toxic is chemotherapy?  One authority explains that with some agents: ‘If the intravenous needle through which they are being delivered leaks or slips out of the
vein, the resulting scar tissue may cause the patient to loose the use of the arm.’  Currant text books tell nurses who administer cytotoxic drugs to wear long sleeved
gowns, face shields or goggles, shoe covers, and extra thick latex surgical gloves, which are to be changed every half hour.  They are told never to eat, drink, smoke,
or apply cosmetics in the drug preparation area.  They are warned that merely handling the drugs poses ‘significant risks’ to health care workers, including reproductive
abnormalities, liver and chromosomal lesions, and hematologic problems...  When chemotherapy and their agents (and their metabolites) are excreted from patients’
bodies in their urine and feces, they eventually wind up in the environment, where, researchers have pointed out, ‘they may become a source of cancer for future
generations’ (
Ralph Moss, Questioning Chemotherapy, Brooklyn NY, Equinox, 1995, p.68).  

 “The drugs are so toxic that a miscalculation can be fatal.  In 1994, Betsey Lehman, a well-known health columnist for the Bosyon Globe, underwent chemotherapy
at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute… During chemotherapy, her electrocardiogram showed enormous stresses to her heart, and she began, during treatment, vomiting
sheets of tissue.  The whole lining of her gut, from one end to the other, was shedding.  Yet doctors considered her violent reaction to be normal, and continued with
the treatment.  Even after she died from the ordeal, they did not suspect anything amiss had occurred.  Her reactions, even her death, were considered to be within
the range of the normal and the expected.  When an autopsy found no visible signs of cancer, doctors stated that ‘the treatment had worked.’ 

 “It’s hard to overstate the toxicity of chemotherapy.  In 1995, a report in the Journal of Clinical Oncology discussed the effects of a particular chemotherapeutic r
egimen… called ICE.  The authors concluded, ‘In summary, ICE is well tolerated, with acceptable…side effects and predictable organ toxicity.’  What did they
mean by ‘acceptable’ side effects and ‘predictable’ organ toxicity?  The study found that ‘67% of the lower-dose patients had mucositis (shedding of the lining of
the gut)…In the mid-range-dose patients, (an additional) 50% suffered central nervous system and lung complications.  And in some higher-dose patients, (an
additional) 61% suffered liver toxicity, 81% suffered ear damage, 70% suffered kidney toxicity, 92% suffered adverse pulmonary events, while 94% suffered damage
 to their hearts (cardiotoxicity)…8% of the group actually died of the effects of the drugs themselves, so-called toxic deaths.  Such deaths took place at almost every
 dose level.’

“In 1993, researchers from the National Cancer Institute compared the outcomes obtained by women with ovarian cancer who had under-taken different treatments.
They found that women who had taken the chemotherapy drug melphalan developed 100 times the incidence of leukemia compared to the women who
received no chemotherapy.’

Chemotherapy agents typically carry warnings about ‘the possibility of fatal or severe toxic reactions’.  In many cases, among the lengthy list of
serious side effects that can be expected, is death.  Children undergoing chemotherapy frequently suffer seizures and brain diseases associated with
alterations in brain structure.  An article in Pediatrics acknowledged the high frequency of ‘acute mental status changes’.

 “Chemotherapy seems to markedly diminish the quality of life.  Unless, of course, you happen to like vomiting uncontrollably.  Patients sometimes retch incessantly
 hour upon hour even breaking bones or rupturing the esophagus.  One called it a form of ‘medieval torture’“
(Reclaiming Our Health, John Robbins, H, J. Kramer, Tiburon,

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) "Like many medicines, NOVLADEX causes side effects in most patients" (Physicians Desk Reference, p. 562).  These side effects could
include blood clots that could lead to stroke, heart attack, or death; hot flashes; uterine cancer; liver problems (yellow jaundice) vaginal discharge or bleeding;
menstrual irregularities; hair loss; skin problems such as rashes, itching, or peeling of skin; headaches; vision problems such as cataracts; swelling in face, legs, etc.;
pelvic pain or pressure; shortness of breath; chest pain; coughing up blood; nausea, vomiting, excess thirst; hypercalcemia; increased size of tumors; muscle
aches/bone pain; etc.

Gleevec (Glivec), another popular cancer drug could damage the heart. A study confirming this was conducted following reports that 10 leukemia patients
taking Gleevec developed severe congestive heart failure. The study found that the drug kills heart muscle cells.
( July 23, 2006; Chicago Sun-Times July 24, 2006)

“Although ionizing radiation, the type delivered by X-rays and radio-therapy, is one of the few environmental contaminants known unequivocally to cause many
forms of cancer,
it is routinely recommended for many cancer patients.  …the vast majority of studies show that radiation cannot cure cancer, and that it
can rarely extend life for people with the disease. 
Radiation is used routinely following lumpectomies, because it decreases the chance of recurrence in the
affected breast-but it does not increase overall survival time.  Studies published in Lancet and elsewhere have even suggested that radiation following
breast surgery may increase death rates”
(John Robbins, p230, 234).

“Radioactive substances are made up of unstable atoms that can harm the body.  Even if only one cell were exposed to radiation, the radiation could destroy, damage,
 or alter the make-up of that cell.  When the energy released by the radioactive element is strong enough to dislodge electrons from other atoms or molecules in its
path, it will damage living tissue… Alteration of cell structure by radioactive particles can lead to the development of cancer.  One of the dangers of
radiation is that it encourages the formation of free radicals… can eventually damage the immune system and lead to leukemia and cancer, as well as
 a host of other diseases”
(James F. Balch, MD, pp. 274-5).

Animal experiments show that nuclear radiation and x-irradiation can increase cancer incidence and mimic the aspect of aging.  Strong doses can
cause whole-cell destruction leading to radiation sickness and death.
Localized strong doses are used to kill cancerous cells.  All cells are destroyed… Lesser
doses do damage indirectly by creating free radicals and disrupting lysosomal membranes, which allow destructive lysosomal enzymes to leak out and damage the cell
interior.  The free radicals initiated by radiation can thus do damage that leads to cancer, or by disrupting lysosomal membranes destroy cells, accelerating the aging
process” (
Dr. Richard A. Passwater, pp 39-40)

“If radiation is being given to a tumor inside the body, organs sensitive to radiation may be injured… The lining of the digestive tract including the mouth, esophagus,
stomach, and bowel, is easily injured by radiation.  Treatment of any part of the abdomen or bowel, while painless at the time of treatment, may be followed within
hours by nausea and even vomiting.  This may follow every treatment.  A more severe side effect may be diarrhea or dark bloody material in the stool… When the
lower abdomen or pelvis is treated, the lining of the bladder may be damaged, resulting in pain on urination and occasionally blood in the urine… Radiation sickness,
a general reaction to radiation therapy, can incur in anyone if a large area is being irradiated. ... (Symptoms include) “nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, and
general tiredness.  If a person is already quite debilitated, this may be severe enough to require hospitalization”
(Charles F. McKhann, MD, p177, 180).   John Laszlo, MD.,
 senior vice president of the American Cancer Society, admitted: “It is impossible to give radiation treatments without injuring normal cells… Depending on the site
treated, large doses of radiation can cause nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and reduction in bone marrow function.”

The radioactivity used to kill cancer cells can cause normal cells to mutate, creating new cancer cells of other types.  A number of studies have found
that people who undergo radiation therapy are actually more likely to have their cancers spread to other sites in their bodies.  Early studies at Memorial Sloan-
Kettering Cancer Center actually found that patients who received radiotherapy died sooner than those left untreated”
(John Robbins, p232).  “In the 1970s, Dr. Irwin
Bross, director of biostatistics at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, NY., led an important project studying the alarming increase in rates of leukemia…
After four years of work, it became disturbingly clear to the research team that the main cause of the rising rates of leukemia was medical radiation, in the
form of diagnostic medical x-rays.  The use of radiation in cancer treatment employs high-intensity X-rays.  Much higher doses are involved in cancer treatment than
in diagnostic X-rays, because the purpose is to kill cells, or at least cripple their ability to reproduce.  While a typical diagnostic X-ray might deliver one or two rads
of radiation, a six-week course of radiotherapy delivers about 5,000 rads.  While dead cells don’t themselves become cancerous, there is invariably extensive damage
 to cells in adjacent tissues and organs, which can then become cancerous”
(John Robbins, p232).

John William Gofman, MD., professor at the University of California School of Medicine, founded a research project for the Atomic Energy Commission to evaluate
the health effects of all forms of nuclear activities.  His research led to this distressing conclusion: “Our estimate is that about three-quarters of the current annual
incidence of breast cancer in the United States is being caused by earlier ionizing radiation, primarily from medical sources”
(John Robbins, p234).

Seymour M. Brenner, MD., in a public statement, said, “I am a radiation oncologist who treats cancer in New York.  I’ve been doing it for 39 years… in 39 years
of practicing medicine and treating cancer, I have seen no significant progress.”  Why then is radiation a standard procedure in cancer treatment?   “In pursuit of its
nuclear goals, the military saw tremendous public relations advantage to be gained from the development of ‘the peaceful atom’… The cancer center (Memorial Sloan-
Kettering) had accepted tremendous donations from an immensely wealthy businessman named James Douglas in 1913.  But according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s
 … historian, Bob Considine, ‘Douglas’s enormous gift came with strings attached.’  Douglas owned vast numbers of radium mines, and stood to profit enormously
 if the medical use of radiation caught on.  He had insisted as a basic condition of his contributions, that the center routinely use radiation in all its cancer treatments…
Documents uncovered in recent years reveal that the nuclear advocates deliberately covered up what they knew to be the real dangers of medical radiation and atomic
 fallout in order to sway public opinion in a pro-nuclear direction”
(John Robbins, p231)

“The real reason the medical establishment is not making progress against the disease… is because for nearly 50 years our weapons have remained the same: surgery,
a variety of cellular poisonings called ‘chemotherapy’, plus a host of techniques for blasting the body with toxic radiation.  Never before in the history of medicine have
 such toxic ‘therapies’ been so widely used with such futility.  These treatments have been pitifully ineffective for one simple reason: they assume the body’s own
immune system cannot be galvanized to heal itself. 
But chemo and radiation can wipe out your greatest hope of recovery- your immune system.  This approach is
an abject failure.  I and many other MDs now believe in battling cancer … by harnessing your immune system’s awesome healing power- not destroying it!  Time
and time again, with patient after patient, we’ve found that if you build your immune system and give it everything it needs to battle cancer; you can win the battle!”
(Julian Whittaker, MD., M.D.’s JOURNAL, Summer 1998, p. 25).

“There is no more frightening example of things your doctor won’t tell you than the fact that there are alternatives in cancer treatment that are so much better than the
standard offerings of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy that the entire veil of pessimism about its dire outlook could be lifted.  I wonder how many of you are
aware that the entire twentieth century is replete with examples of mainstream medicine’s ruthless suppression of well founded, scientifically-based therapies which,
according to their observed benefit/risk ratio, are better than the therapies being used at the national Cancer institute or at our leading cancer hospitals.  Basing my
estimate on a moderately thorough review of medical writings and my own experience with 800 cancer patients, I think there have been well over 100 examples of
such rejected, yet effective treatment.  This mass rejection of effective, non-toxic therapies is based on the narrow scientific view that to be effective in cancer therapy
 a substance must destroy a tumor.  Yet virtually all the rejected therapies work in quite another very logical way.  They support or enhance the body’s ability to
modify, weaken, and yes, eventually destroy the tumor.  Singly they employ mechanisms favoring the growth of normal tissues over malignant tissue… Percentage of
survivors, length of life, and especially quality of life are superior when non-toxic therapies are added or substituted”
(Robert C. Atkins, M.D. p.11, 17)

Interferon - Intralesional Interferon Alfa, a recombinant alpha-2 interferon that has been genetically engineered with tumor-causing bacteria, is often injected into
skin cancers.  An estimated 75% of patients have at least 1 reaction, the most prevalent of which is headache"
(Nealy) . Other systemic reactions included :
fatigue; fever; rigors; myalgia; arthrialgia; pain in head, chest, bones, back, neck, limbs, abdomen, eyes, ears; nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea; insomnia;
Infection, sinusitis, rhinitis, flu-like symptoms, respiratory congestion, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis; nervousness, anxiety, depression, emotional problems, abnormal
thinking, anorexia; granulocytopenia; erythema; dizziness, cough; dyspepsia; thrombocytopenia; leukopenia; paraesthesia; hair loss; pruritus; rash; hot flashes; i
ncreased  sweating; dysmenorrhea; abnormal thyroid; hypertriglyceridemia; and tinnitus
(Most Common Adverse Events in a Recent Large Trial of Patients Treated With Consensus
Interferon (CIFN)

What are the safe, effective methods of eliminating cancer?                                                                          
* Proper diet -
According to Joseph Issels, MD., “after much research, …it is concluded that the treatment that offers the best chance of success…is one which
treats ‘not merely the tumor but also the whole body, which has produced the tumor’”
(Null, p.128) "There have been many …fatal devastating diseases that now
have become virtually unknown. They have been prevented and cured by ingesting the dietary factors and thereby preventing the deficiencies, which accounted for
these diseases. ... "Then very often there are many supportive measures that are taken in the management of the cancer patient such as the use of materials to build
up the blood, to raise or lower the blood pressure or to relieve the pain." (Ernst Krebs, Jr., Nature of Cancer, Presented before CCS Second annual Cancer
Convention, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California ). 
Dr. Keith Bloch believes that “giving the patient personal responsibility and a sense of personal power
 regarding his or her care is as important as prescribing the right medication" (
John Robbins, Reclaiming our health, p. 303).

*  Nutritional therapy includes:                                                                                                                  
Alkalizing the body
-  "Cancer tissue is acidic and loves acid condition... Correcting an acid body chemistry is a very critical strategy... Most ripe fruit and
vegetables  ...produce non-acidic or alkaline ash. Maybe this explains why the 5 fruit and vegetable servings a day advice to avoid cancer is effective... Mineral
supplements (kelp)
are probably the easiest way to rapidly improve an acid body chemistry, especially when used in conjunction with an alkalizing diet.  …A simple saliva acidity test
can be performed to get an indication whether the body chemistry is currently too acidic"
(The Skin Cancer Treatment Toolbox, Squamous and Basal Cell Carcinoma Treatment
Strategies Part I)
.  However, not all acid is bad for you. "Adequate stomach acid is needed to properly digest foods. ...If stomach acid levels drop then extra digestive
burden falls on digestive enzymes. The result is that pancreatin enzymes may not be available for cancer control. Do not take antacids with meals or drink excessive
 water with meals. If possible, confine eating to meals rather than continuously snacking. Consider supplementing betaine hydrochloride with meals to enhance
stomach acid activity. Go to bed on an empty stomach"
(The Skin Cancer Treatment Toolbox, Squamous and Basal Cell Carcinoma Treatment Strategies Part I). 

Substitute vegetable protein for animal protein  - Glen Warner, MD., Seattle oncologist, said: “We steer people toward a vegan diet” (John Robbins, Reclaiming
our health, p.305)
.  "Cancer is usually a disease of protein metabolism. ... The cancer also needs protein based building blocks to grow and this strategy limits its
available supply. ... Never eat a late night snack containing protein. ...This daily protein fast is necessary so that pancreatin enzymes can be freed from their other job
of digesting protein in food to work instead on cancer eradication throughout the body"
(The Skin Cancer Treatment Toolbox, Squamous and Basal Cell Carcinoma Treatment
Strategies Part I). 
 “A low fat, high fiber, vegetarian diet is a critical treatment in his (Keith Block, MD) cancer treatment.”  Dr. Block “presented case after case
demonstrating the value of his approach.  A man diagnosed in 1979 with prostate cancer that had spread to the bone; a woman diagnosed in 1981 with breast cancer
 that had spread to her lungs, a man diagnosed in 1981 with kidney cancer that had entered his bones; patients with metastasized cancers of the ovary, colon,
pancreas, and liver.  All were still alive and all were cancer-free”
(John Robbins, Reclaiming our health, p. 303).

 Nutritional “supplements and food can make a colossal difference in the area of cancer care” (Keith Block, MD., Nathaniel Mead, “Breakthrough in Cancer Research,
Natural Health, Jan, Feb1996, p. 138).

What foods help fight cancer?

Organically grown foods are extremely important because they have higher nutritional value and are free of toxic chemicals.

  •   "Carrots cut the risk of lung cancer, reduce the blood fats that cause heart attacks and strokes, and help prevent colon cancer" (Whitaker).

  •     Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, etc.. "help to fight cancer" (Balch, p. 121).

  •     "Berries will protect DNA from damage" (Balch, p. 121).  "Consumption of 1 cup (150 grams) of fresh red raspberries… resulted in the appearance of
    circulating levels of Elagic Acid in the serum one hour after ingestion… Following exposure to Ellagic Acid from red raspberries, human cervical cancer cells,
    infected with the human papilloma virus (HPV), die within several days… Ellagic Acid from red raspberries prevents destruction of a cellular regulatory gene,
    p53, by HPV oncogenes (genes responsible for cancer…) in cervival cells (p53 is regarded as the safeguard of normal cell division and if the p53 is inactivated,
     abnormal cell division/proliferation ensues).  Similar protective effects were observed in breast,pancreas,esophageal, skin, colon, leukemia and prostate cancer
     cells exposed to Ellagic Acid… data from Dr. Nixons lab and other investigators indicates that Ellagic acid (1) activates detoxifying enzymes in the liver
    resulting in the clearing of cancer-causing chemicals (mutigens) in the serum; (2) prevents the binding of carcinogens to cellular DNA; (3) serves as an
    antioxidant in the scavenging and clearance of highly destructive oxygen free radicals; (4) induces apoptosis (programmed normal cell death) in cancerous cells;
    and (5() stimulates the immune system for the destruction of cancerous cells"
    (Daniel Nixon, MD., Oncologist, Hematoligist, President, American Health Foundation;
    Kurt D Grange, Ph D, ND, HTN's Ellagic Acid).

  •    "Yellow and deep orange vegetables such as …pumpkin, squash, and yams… "help to fight cancer" (Balch, p. 121).

  •   "Zucchini fights lung cancer" (Whitaker).

  •    "Olive oil fights cancer, heart disease and aging" (Whitaker).

  •    Whole grains  (other than wheat or any grain that has become moldy) "recharge your energy levels and fight breast and colon cancer" (Whitaker).

  •   "Whole fresh apples may help ward off cancer because they are shot through with caffeic or chlorogenic acid which blocks cancer formation in lab animals
    dosed with potent carcinogens"
    (Carper, p 117).

  •    Fresh papaya contains the enzyme Papain and fresh pineapple contains the enzyme Bromelain. The demasking effect of these enzymes against the
    pericellular  layer of the malignant cell is something very concrete in the immunology of cancer. Now I prefer, rather than advising the use of bromelain or
    papaya tablets that the individual seeking these enzymes get them directly from the fresh ripe pineapple and papaya fruit. As much as half a pineapple a day
    should be ingested
    . This is the way to go"
    (Ernst Krebs, Jr., Nature of Cancer, Presented before CCS Second annual Cancer Convention, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles,

  •    Grapes - only organically grown grapes should be used, otherwise the pesticides may aggravate the cancer, and should only be used during or after the 4
    days of garlic, because grapes can feed a fungal infection which is an underlying cause of cancer.  Grapes should also be washed with baking soda to eliminate
    any fungus growing on them.   “A loathing for grapes may indicate toxins in the system and may require another short fast  Excessive weight loss during the first
     stage of the grape diet is said to be caused by the body's elimination of wastes, and one should stay exclusively on grapes until the weight loss stops".  Brandt
    advises that one abstain from all cooked food during the grape treatment because cooked foods are acid forming, do not digest easily, and could decompose
    and ferment, adding to the toxins in the system.  Cooked foods take longer to digest than raw foods. 

    The nature of the reaction to the grape mono-diet directly corresponds to the state of the body by dissolving hardened mucus and eliminating toxins and dead
    cells from the tissues.  A healthy person will feel no ill effects, but one who is full of mucus, toxins, etc. will feel ill in proportion to the amount of waste thrown
    into the blood stream on the way to elimination. Brandt believes the symptoms of disease to be positive functions because they are a curative process, and
    pain is nature's way of warning that something is wrong.  Brandt believes it possible to minimize the dangers of polluted air by cleansing the lungs annually with
     the grape cure, and by continuous proper eating habits.      The ash in the grape is found just under the skin, it neutralizes the toxic condition known as cancer” 
    (Johanna Brandt, The Grape Cure, Ehret Literature Publishing Co., Inc., NY). (I prefer detoxifying with herbs instead of grapes as recommended by Brandt.  Grapes promote the growth of fungus, which is
    a major contributing factor in the development of cancer.) 

*  Dry brush skin -  The pores of the skin secrete wastes, absorbs oxygen, and other material essences.  The skin should be dry brushed twice a day to remove
 dead cells and debris and to allow free breathing. Grape poultices are indicated when there is an external growth with an open sore.

* Lifestyle Improvement -  Fresh air, exercise, sunshine, and proper sleep -  Exercise with deep breathing in fresh air helps to rebuild the immune system and
the body to help kill cancer cells.  House plants help clean and put oxygen in the air indoors.  Early morning Sunshine (30 minutes per day minimum) or
full spectrum lighting in house when it is winter will shrink internal cancers. However, Mid-day sun exposure (10am-3pm) can be a cause of skin cancers.  Get to
sleep by
10 pm in the evening.  Immune system revitalizes between 10 pm and 2 am (Dr. Loraine Day,

*  Heat therapy (hyperthermia)and hydrotherapy - "Hyperthermia (inducing an artificial fever for one to two hours via hot bath, steam, etc.) is known to boost
the immune system.  Cancer tissue is dense and cannot disperse heat very well and will die off" ).   "Heat has been used as an effective treatment for malignant,
infectious and other diseases since antiquity. In the 19th century heat therapy in the form of artificially induced fever, was used by Dr. Coley for the treatment of
patients with advanced cancers.... There is published literature on the disappearance of malignancies, such as sarcoma and Burkitt’s lymphoma (Non-Hodgkin’s
Lymphoma), following ...hyperthermia.  Other ideas to specifically include soaking in alkaline mineral baths such as Epsom salts (and baking soda) regularly"
can help burn off toxins, viruses, harmful bacteria and reduce skin acidity that can be a cause of cancer.
(The Skin Cancer Treatment Toolbox, Squamous and Basal Cell
Carcinoma Treatment Strategies Part I). 

*  Avoidance of cancer causing chemicals, tobacco, alcohol

*  A Wellness Consultation with Laurie Lynch, ND. will provide information on the right foods, herbs, nutritional supplements,
and hydrotherapy to eliminate the causes of cancer and to nourish the body back to health.  Call (910) 426-5159 now  to start on
 the path to recovery.

Doesn't it make more sense to discover and eliminate the underlying causes of cancer and nourish the body so that it can heal itself with safe, effective, natural nutritional remedies, rather than  treat symptoms with the very things that cause cancer?

Daniel Nixon, MD., Oncologist, Hematoligist, President, American Health Foundation; Kurt D Grange, Ph D, ND, 2000, HTN's Ellagic Acid
*  Russell L. Blaylock, MD, Neurosurgeon,
1999, Re: Aspartame toxicity,
*  The Burton Goldburg Group, Alternative Medicine, A Definitive Guide, Future Medicine Publishing, Inc.1994
Benjamin Lau, M.D., Ph.D., Garlic Research Update, Odyssey Publishing, Inc., Canada, 1991, p15-21
Ernst Krebs, Jr., Nature of Cancer, Presented before CCS Second annual Cancer Convention, Ambassador  Hotel, Los Angeles, California
Udo Erasmus, 1993, Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, Alive Books
The Skin Cancer Treatment Toolbox, Squamous and Basal Cell Carcinoma Treatment Strategies Part I
*  Bill Misner, Ph.D., Killer Sugar! Suicide With A Spoon

Alex Vasquez, 997, M.E.N. Magazine  Vasquez
*  CANCER AND ITS NUTRITIONAL THERAPIES, Dr. Richard A. Passwater, Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, Connecticut, 1978
* PRESCRIPTION FOR NUTRITIONAL HEALING, James F. Balch, MD & Phyllis Balch, CNC,Avery Publishing
*  THE FACTS ABOUT CANCER, Charles F. McKhann, MD, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1981
*  RECLAIMING OUR HEALTH, John Robbins, H.J. Kramer, Tiburon, Ca., 1996
*  M.D.’s JOURNAL, Julian Whittaker, MD., Summer 1998
*  “Alternative Treatments Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About”, Robert C. Atkins, M.D., Wellness Corporations, Inc., 1993
*  TODAY’S HERBAL HEALTH, Louise Tenney, Woodland Books, Provo, Utah, 1983
*  SCHOOL OF NATURAL HEALING, Dr. John R. Christopher, Christopher Publications, Springville, Utah, 1976
*    Wholistic Cancer Therapy, Kurt Donsbach, DC, PhD., Wholistic Publishers, Baja, California,  Mexico. 1988
*     Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill,  Udo Erasmus, Alive Books, BC, Canada, 1993
*     The  Addictions Handbook, Alvin, Virginia,& Robert  Silverstein, Enslow Publishers, Inc. Hillside, N.J. 1991
*  Atkins Health Revelations Aug. '94
*  THE YEAST CONNECTION, William F. Cook, MD., Professional Books, 1991
*  THE FOOD PHARMACY, Jean Carper, Bantam Books, New York, 1988
Ernst Krebs, Jr., Nature of Cancer, Presented before CCS Second annual Cancer Convention, Ambassador
 Hotel, Los Angeles, California
Gary Null, Healing Your Body Naturally, p.112, 127, .131
Yu MC, Yuan JM. Environmental factors and risk for hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterology 2004; 127(5 Suppl 1):S72–S78.
*  Older Birth Control Pills May Cause CancerThe Journal of the American Medical Association October 11, 2000;284:1791-1798, 1837-1838
Salynn Boyles, 2003, Oral Contraceptives Raise Risk of Cervical Cancer in Women With HPV, WebMD Medical News

Dr. Edward Fujimoto (manager of the Wellness Program at Castle hospital; Nancy Toth, The Herald,
Mary Nash Stoddard, Plano Star Courier, May, 20, 1998, quoted in The Deadly Perception
*  Medicine in Our Food?
*  Trocho, C, et al, 1998, Formaldehyde Derived from Dietary Aspartame Binds to Tissue Components in Vivo, Life Science, Vol. 63, No. 5
Dr. H.J. Roberts, Aspartame (NutraSweet) Is It Safe?, Charles Press, page 283/84.,
*  Chae, Linda, 2001, The Terrible Touch-Me-Nots,

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